
Earning Tokens

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

This page addresses only questions that apply across all token pools. For questions relating to earning tokens for a specific pool, refer to the page on the appropriate token type.



When Can You Earn Tokens?

Q: Suppose a PC is in a situation where he/she can see an enemy, who can't see the PC. Neither are moving. Is the PC allowed to collect tokens? All types? Up until your level-based maximum, before you start combat? None?


Generally speaking, I'd allow it. It's the IH equivalent of buff spells before combat. There might be specific circumstances that I ruled disallowed it, but I'd deal with that on a case by case basis.


Taking Actions to Earn Tokens in Multiple Pools

You can take only one action per round to do nothing but build up tokens. Not one action per pool per round. This is to stop multipool characters from taking a free action to boost pool A, then a free action to boost pool B, then a free action to boost pool C, and so on.


If you house rule to allow people to boost multiple pools in a round (as I am considering for my own games), then I suggest using a rule like "You may take only one action per token pool per round to do nothing but build up tokens. You cannot use the same action type (free, move, standard or full round) to boost tokens in more than one pool."

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