
Foe Hammer

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

Q: Any likely changes to the Foe Hammer feat tree? People have said that it is a little weak, as written.


I agree with those people. One possible way to improve the feat chain is below, but this is not errata: it's just a house rule for now.


Change the 2nd paragraph of the base mastery to read:

You sacrifice quantity of attacks for quality. Make a full-attack action. You make one less attack than normal, though you always get at least one attack. The attack you lose is the one with the lowest attack bonus. If at least one of your remaining attacks hits and inflict damage, your foe must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half damage of attack that did the most damage) or suffer a –2 injury penalty to attacks until the end of his next turn. This ability does not affect creatures immune to pain.


Change the 2nd paragraph of expanded mastery 2 to read:

You land a crushing blow to your foe’s legs or knees, immobilizing him for a brief moment. Make a full-attack action. You make one less attack than normal, though you always get at least one attack. The attack you lose is the one with the lowest attack bonus. If at least one of your remaining attacks hits and inflict damage, your opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half damage of attack that did the most damage) or move at half speed on his next action. This ability does not affect creatures immune to critical hits. You cannot combine this ability with the base mastery.


Delete the following sentence from expanded mastery 4:

You cannot combine this ability with the others granted by this feat.


Change expanded mastery 8 to read:

When you use the base mastery or expanded mastery 2 of this feat, calculate the DC of the target's saving throw as normal, then add 2 for each additional attack that hit and did damage during your attack.

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