
Weapon Focus

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

Q: If you have feats such as weapon focus: unarmed strike, do you also gain the benefits when using a weapon with the unarmed descriptor?




Q: Weapon Focus comes in Finesse, Power, and Projectile versions. But some weapons, such as longswords, don't have any of these descriptors. Does that mean you cannot take Weapon Focus with a longsword? It would seem odd if you couldn't.


Weapon Focus doesn't have a pre-requisite about using it with a certain weapon type, so you can select any weapon when you take the feat, regardless of the type of feat you got it as. You could even use Projectile Mastery to get weapon focus in a melee weapon, should you really want to.


Q: Can you choose Weapon Focus in Improvised Weapons?



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